This quickstart guide will walk you through the process of installing
the Wireleap client software on Windows, importing accesskeys for the
Wireleap Libre
network, and getting started.
For more detailed information, please refer to the client documentation.
## in a powershell
# download, verify and install
powershell -nop -c "iex(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''); Get-Wireleap -Dir $env:USERPROFILE\wireleap"
cd ~\wireleap
# start the controller daemon
.\wireleap start
.\wireleap status
Libre accesskeys are valid for 24 hours of access. Feel free to generate fresh keys as needed:
# generate and import a new accesskey (valid for 24h)
.\wireleap accesskeys import ""
Any application that supports the SOCKSv5
protocol can be configured
to route its traffic via the connection broker. As there is no standard
across applications for proxy settings, some wrapper scripts are
# start the socks daemon
.\wireleap socks start
.\wireleap socks status
# list available exec commands
.\wireleap exec list
# example exec usage
.\wireleap exec curl URL
.\wireleap exec git clone URL
.\wireleap exec firefox [URL]
.\wireleap exec google-chrome [URL]
.\wireleap exec chromium-browser [URL]
The circuit defines which relays will be used to transmit traffic. A circuit is generated by randomly selecting from the available relays.
# trigger new circuit generation
.\wireleap restart
# display the number of relays to be used in the circuit
.\wireleap config broker.circuit.hops
# set the number of relays to be used (will auto-generate a new circuit)
.\wireleap config broker.circuit.hops 3
Additionally, a whitelist may be specified allowing the creation of an exact circuit when coupled with a specific amount of hops, or a more general only use these relays.
# set the number of circuit hops
.\wireleap config broker.circuit.hops 1
# set a whitelist of relays to use
.\wireleap config broker.circuit.whitelist "wireleap://"
No results found
White space acts as an AND operator, while a single pipe
) character acts as an OR operator. To escape
white space, use double quotes such as ="wireleap
for an exact match.